Ghost Mama | Yogi Babu, Malvika Menon, Abhishek Vinod, M.S. Bhaskar Full Movie


 Ghost Mama (Also known as Bhoot Mama in Hindi)



  • Yogi Babu - Kozhi Kumar (Lead protagonist)
  • Malavika Menon - Pooja (Love interest)
  • Abhishek Vinod - Veeramani
  • M.S. Bhaskar - Sabapathy

Genre: Horror-Comedy


Kozhi Kumar (Yogi Babu) is a struggling petty thief living with his dysfunctional family. Desperate for money, he takes on a job from a wealthy businessman to get rid of a ghost supposedly haunting his palatial bungalow. Kozhi, along with his family and a reluctant friend Veeramani (Abhishek Vinod), arrive at the mansion, ready to face the supernatural.

Key Scenes:


  • Arrival at the Bungalow: The family's initial excitement at the luxurious surroundings quickly fades as they experience strange occurrences – flickering lights, moving objects, and disembodied voices.
  • Meeting the Ghost:   
  •  Kozhi encounters the ghost, revealed to be a friendly woman named Bhagyalakshmi (voice acting). She explains she's not malevolent but trapped in the house by the businessman who cheated her family out of their property. 

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  • Helping the Ghost: Kozhi, initially scared, sympathizes with Bhagyalakshmi. He teams up with Pooja, the caretaker's daughter, to uncover the truth behind Bhagyalakshmi's past and help her find peace.

  • Comedy Relief: Throughout the movie, Yogi Babu provides slapstick humor as he fumbles through ghost-busting attempts and interacts with the scared members of his family.


  • Confrontation with the Businessman: Kozhi and Pooja gather evidence and confront the businessman, exposing his greed and exposing the truth behind Bhagyalakshmi's demise. The ghost also makes a dramatic appearance, adding a spooky touch.


  • Resolution: With the truth revealed, Bhagyalakshmi is finally able to move on. The businessman faces consequences, and Kozhi receives a reward. The movie ends on a light-hearted note, with a hint of the supernatural remaining.

Additional Notes:

  • The movie explores themes of greed, justice, and the power of family.
  • The horror elements are balanced with slapstick comedy, making it a family-friendly horror film.
  • The film is originally in Tamil but was dubbed in Hindi as "Bhoot Mama."



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