Minnal Murali (Hindi)

 Shirshak - Minnal Murali



Minnal Murali's story is about an ordinary electrical mechanic named Suresh, who lives in a quiet village Kurudan in Kerala. One night, after a strange incident of lightning striking Aaka, Suresh acquires supernatural powers. Gradually, he develops the ability to conduct electricity and gains extraordinary strength.

Keeping his newly acquired skills a secret, Suresh takes the form of "Minnal Murali" to fight the villains harassing his village. But soon, he realizes that strength alone is not enough to become a great superhero.


     Suresh / Minnal Murali - A kind and honest man who uses his electrical skills for the betterment of society.
     Jiya – Suresh's childhood friend and girlfriend.
     Shivan – A ruthless criminal who spreads terror in Kurudan.


     A journey from ordinary to extraordinary (Safar se sadharan se asadharan tak ka safar)
     The power of responsibility
     Victory of evil over good (Victory of evil over good)


This is a brief summary of Minnal Murali's story for Hindi audiences. The film is a great mix of comedy, romance and action.

 Minnal Murali


Minnal Murali is the story of Suresan, an ordinary electrician living in the quiet village of Kurudan, Kerala. After a strange incident involving a lightning strike, Suresan is bestowed with extraordinary powers. He gradually develops the ability to manipulate electricity and gains superhuman strength.

Keeping his newfound abilities a secret, Suresan dons the mantle of "Minnal Murali" to fight against the villains plagueing his village. However, he soon realizes that great power requires more than just strength to become a true superhero.


     Suresan / Minnal Murali - A kind and honest man who uses his electrical abilities for the good of society.
     Jiya – Suresan's childhood friend and love interest.
     Shivan - A ruthless criminal who terrorizes Kurudan.


     Journey from ordinary to extraordinary
     The power of responsibility
     Good triumphs over evil

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