The authority trailer for "Mr. and Mrs. Mahi" featuring Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor has been delivered, making a buzz among fans. Coordinated by Sharan Sharma, the film is created by Dharma Creations and Zee Studios. The story rotates around Mahendra Singh Dhoni (played by Rajkummar Rao) and Mahima (played by Janhvi Kapoor), who are a couple joined by their energy for cricket.
In the trailer, Mahendra mentors Mahima, featuring their excursion as they explore individual and expert difficulties in the realm of cricket. The film mixes components of sentiment and sports dramatization, displaying the battles and wins of the couple both on and off the field. The science between the lead entertainers and the convincing storyline guarantees a drawing in true to life experience.
(Bollywood Hungama) (Hindustan Times) (India television News) .
"Mr. and Mrs. Mahi" is set to hit auditoriums on May 31, 2024, and has previously accumulated huge consideration for its novel reason and the exhibitions of its lead entertainers. On the off chance that you really love sports shows or appreciate anecdotes about defeating hindrances through cooperation and love, this film is most certainly one to pay special attention to.