The authority trailer for "Shaitaan," featuring Ajay Devgn and R. Madhavan, has been delivered, drumming up some excitement among repulsiveness thrill ride devotees. Coordinated by Vikas Bahl, this powerful blood and gore movie likewise includes Jyotika in an essential job. The story bases on a family whose serene life is overturned when a malignant power, encapsulated by R. Madhavan's personality, enters their home and has their little girl.
Ajay Devgn plays the dad who should explore through this frightening experience to save his girl from the vile grasp of Madhavan's personality. The trailer grandstands a grasping story loaded up with tension and shocking minutes, promising a chilling realistic encounter (YouTube)
"Shaitaan" is set to hit auditoriums on Walk 8, 2024. The film, created by Devgn Movies, Jio Studios, and Display Studios, is a revamp of the 2023 Gujarati film "Vash." The serious exhibitions and the dull, air narrating featured in the trailer propose that this film will be a must-look for enthusiasts of the repulsiveness class (YouTube) .